Session Title: Bridging the Generation Gap: What Are They Thinking? scott.span April 13, 2020

Generational Differences


Session Summary:

Generational diversity in the workplace is not going away – and neither are the tensions that exist between the generations. Are you having difficulty understanding why your manager “doesn’t get it?” Do you experience frustration when your ideas are dismissed because you “lack experience or are considered “old school?” At a loss as to what your “younger” employees consider acceptable workplace behavior? Do you find yourself “rolling your eyes” or “scratching your head” when trying to communicate with those from other generations in your organization? If issues of ageism and generational values seem to surface more frequently – and you’re feeling at a loss about how to communicate and what do about them – then this workshop is for you!

Welcome to the contemporary workplace populated by Traditionalists (yes they’re still around), Baby Boomers, Generation X’ers, Gen Y, and Millennials, five generations whose radically different formative life experiences over the past 50 years have helped shape both their personal and professional values and attitudes.

Today’s generational differences uniquely challenge work relationships across generational boundaries. Understanding and bridging these boundaries is imperative to being competitive in today’s business environment.

In this program, participants explore the differences and similarities of the various generational cohorts, events that have helped shape their values and attitudes, and how they engage with the workplace and with each other. “Younger” and “older” participants come together in an interactive exploration of their own and other age cohorts’ values, work orientations, and communications practices.

This program is designed to help participants:

• Understand their own and others “generational views” and the impacts they have on work in today’s organizations

• Appreciate work and life perspectives of other age cohorts

• Avoid “trigger points”, those intergenerational tensions that derail productive and satisfying work relationships

• Increase awareness and understanding among those in other generational cohorts by meaningfully engaging others across generational boundaries

• Create organizational practices and policies that foster creative and satisfying working relationships among age cohorts

Session Details

Preferred Format:

Face to Face (short version can be customized for virtual delivery)


Offered in short and extended formats – 2 hour 1/2 day and full day workshops, additional customization is available.

Maximum number of participants:

Various depending on desired organizational outcomes and format.

Content Focus:

• Diversity and Inclusion

• Communication

• Engagement and Retention

• Leadership Development

• Generational Management

• Team Performance

Session Description & Learning objectives:

• Provide a foundation of understanding of the differences and similarities of the various generational cohorts in the workplace

• Offer an overview of how the events that have helped shape the generational cohort values and attitudes, expectations, styles and communications practices can be a point of tension

• Help leaders, managers and employees maximize productivity and best engage and retain the full cross generational cohort of employees

• Provide the generations some practical tools and tips for communicating and working with one another

• Further enrich personal growth and development of participants by providing participants the opportunity for discussion and learning by sharing their own views and experiences on this topic

What need, problem or issue the session addresses:

A solid understanding of the views of the various generational cohorts can help a potential employer to best recruit, engage and retain employees. Connecting with the various generations can be a difficult